Thursday, May 10, 2012

Newfrontiers Canada Conference

Recently Cindy and I were invited to attend the Canadian Newfrontiers Conference in Fredericton NB.  Newfrontiers describes itself as “a worldwide family of churches together on a mission, with over 800 churches in over 60 nations around the world.”  They embrace the same values as River Run (see About Us) and have been growing together for over thirty years.  In recent years some churches in Canada have come alongside the Newfrontiers family, and together they are experiencing God’s goodness.

We’ve have hesitated from becoming involved in something like Newfrontiers, having come out of another network of churches that was very controlling and legalistic.  It has taken several years to heal after a nasty parting and a subsequent church split, and to say the least we are cautious about such things.

Nevertheless we have always believed in the restoration of the church and its ministry gifts, and desired to walk alongside people with a genuine vision for Canada.  It has been our long time passion to see God restore the church with his presence in practical expressions such as spiritual gifts, genuine worship, and mission.  Furthermore we have never been comfortable in being secluded, and realize our need to practically walk alongside others of like mind and heart.

Recognizing these things we asked to Lord to clearly show us what he wanted us to see and experience, and to remove any suspicion and preconceived notions.  We did not want our past to hold back our future.

Upon our arrival we were greeted with great friendliness and hospitality, and in many respects it felt like family.  We were introduced to several wonderful people and welcomed by some good friends with whom we regularly fellowship with in Ontario.  Our Ontario friends (Owen Sound, Alliston, and Toronto) have become involved with Newfrontiers, which is something noteworthy in itself.

I’ll highlight some key things that caught our attention:

  1. The emphasis of being Spirit and Word churches.
  2. Common values and contagious enthusiasm.
  3. Genuine worship that centred on Christ and his work on the cross, and the mix of hymns with new and old songs.
  4. The participation of so many with songs, readings, and spiritual gifts.
  5. Prayer, and body ministry.
  6. The spiritual maturity of those attending.
  7. The development of Canadian leaders.
  8. An apostolic mission of planting churches in Canada.
  9. Unassuming and down-to-earth leaders.
  10. Relationships.
  11. The favor of God.

Currently Newfrontiers Canada includes churches in Fredericton, Toronto, Oakville, Alliston, Owen Sound, and Lethbridge with recent church plants in Vancouver and Kitchener-Waterloo.  In the very near future churches are being planted in Toronto, Charlottetown, and Ottawa.  In addition other churches in Ontario and Quebec are considering coming alongside.

On a personal level, Cindy and I were refreshed and inspired by: the preaching of the Word, the prophetic word, the presence of God, the freedom of worship, and the love of God and his people.  It was a kiros moment that ministered genuine hope to our hearts.

Newfrontiers Canada is doing a good work and clearly has God’s favor.  They are solid yet also full of grace.  They are ordinary people with vision and enthusiasm.  Newfrontiers Canada has the potential to facilitate in Canada a fresh move of the Holy Spirit, and a coming together of like hearts.  We will hear more of them.

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