River Run Envisions:
It is our vision to support the growth of God’s kingdom in the Peterborough area by everyone being alive in the Spirit, by everyone sharing the grace of Christ with all people, and by everyone caring for the family of God.
River Run Values:
1. The restoration of the church (teamwork & service):
With the help of the ministry gifts given by Christ, we desire to see the church built on New Testament principles that reflect in every member becoming mature and fully functional in their gifts and abilities, Eph. 4:11-16.
2. The going & making of disciples (mission & mentoring):
We desire to give life away. Jesus envisioned his people living forward by engaging their friends and family with the love of Christ, and then instructing them on how to live fully for him, Mt. 28:19-20.
3. The basic teachings about Christ (spiritual growth):
We are committed to teaching repentance, faith in God, water baptism, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and prayer which are essential for growth and strength, Heb. 6:1-3.
4. The presence of God (freedom of worship):
We desire free and enthusiastic worship where we encounter God’s presence. His presence allows use to receive direction from the Holly Spirit who enables creativity and innovation. We are more concerned with following the leading of the Holy Spirit than with tradition or being contemporary, Rom. 12:1-2.
5. The increase of God’s kingdom (influencing our world):
We desire for heaven’s greatness and power to touch earth. Jesus envisioned his righteousness, peace, and joy influencing all aspects of society through a creative thinking, innovative undertaking, and authentic living church, Rom. 14:17.
6. The authority of The Bible (relevance):
We desire practical preaching and teaching of God’s word that equips God’s people to live like Christ at home and at work, and in the world, Heb. 4:12.
7. A Holy Spirit filled life (supernatural):
We believe that this new life found through faith in Christ is only lived by an ability found in the Holy Spirit, Gal. 5:25.
8. The family of God (relationship):
We believe that the Church is the family of God and that it consists of all kinds of people. This means that everyone will conduct himself or herself with Christ’s agape love. In other words we keep the unity of the family and gather together regularly; we are generous, considerate, forgiving, hospitable and involved, Rom 12:9-13.
9. Local leadership (autonomy of the local church):
We are committed to a church led by a plurality of qualified local elders, with one elder having a presiding gift and role among them. Who in addition, might seek advice and counsel from other recognized ministry gifts, and fellowship with other like minded churches, Acts 20:28-32.
10. Progress (effectiveness):
We desire to develop a propensity or environment that encourages simplicity, joy, and growth, that is uncomplicated by tradition, red tape, selfish ambition, and human expectation, and which does not compromise our biblical roots. Ministry and mission must always have the priority over buildings and amenities.